Disposal Ticket Entry

The Disposal Tickets program is used to Create New, Modify or Delete Disposal Tickets created for materials disposed of at a landfill, transfer station, or material recovery facility. Disposal Tickets can also be created/modified from any of the following programs throughout TRUX. Route Center, Route Completion, Detail Route Completion, Dispatch. Disposal tickets can be viewed or modified if unbilled from Account Inquiry and Customer Explorer. See the Disposal Ticket Listing to report on disposal tickets by specified criteria. Also see Related Tasks.


Disposal Tickets

Both Billable and Non-Billable types of tickets record the disposal quantity of the material and your disposal cost or revenue (for recyclables). However, Billable tickets also record the quantity and amount you will bill to the customer. See more below.


Billable: Ticket is associated with a single customer account. For example, the disposal of a roll-off container from a job site.


Non-Billable: Ticket is associated with more than one customer account. For example, the disposal of a rear load truck's contents which contains trash from several customers tickets.


  • Current Log Number and Record Count will display above the grid.
  • Existing Disposal Tickets in the current log will populate the grid.
  • Clear log button will clear all current tickets in the grid from the current log.
  • Invoiced tickets will include an Invoice Date and cannot be modified but can be viewed as read only.
  • Non-billable tickets will display 0000-0000-000 as the customer number.
  • Disposal Ticket Grid is color coded.


New Disposal Ticket

  1. Click Create/Modify.
  • Fields in Green are required.
  1. Select Disposal Facility.
  2. Enter Ticket # or the next available ticket number will be assigned when the ticket is saved.
  3. Select Ticket Date.
  • If applicable, populate Route Date, Route, Time In & Out, Call Sequence.
  • If billable, select a Customer/Site/Service.
  • If Non-Billable, leave the Customer/Site/Service blank.
  1. Populate Material grid.
  • Only materials associated with the selected Disposal Facility will be available.
  • Multiple materials can exist on a disposal ticket.
  • If a facility or material minimum exists and the quantity entered is below the minimum, a warning message will appear and update the quantity automatically.
  • LEED materials will display in blue followed by (Leed) in the description. Click here for LEED Material Breakdown.
    • Only one LEED material can exist on a disposal ticket.
  1. Populate optional fields as applicable: Bill of Lading, PO, Carrier, Note 1, Note 2.
  2. Click Images to add an image to the disposal ticket.
  3. Save Ticket.
  • Print or Email.
  • Save & New to save and create a new ticket.
  • Save & Close to save and close disposal ticket.
  1. Click Print Log.
  • Disposal Ticket Log File will produce a list of disposal tickets grouped by disposal facility.
  • Click Clear.


Modify/Delete Disposal Ticket

  1. Double click an existing ticket in the grid OR click Create/Modify and enter ticket #.
  2. Make changes or click Delete to permanently remove the ticket.
  3. Save.


Disposal Tickets can also be Created/Modified from the following locations:


Route Center

  1. Right click on the Route or a Call.
  2. Select Disposal Tickets>New Disposal Ticket.
  • Existing ticket numbers for the Route or Call will be listed below New Disposal Ticket.
  • To modify, select an existing ticket number to open.


Route Completion

  1. Select Disposal Tickets from the Progress bar.
  2. Click Create/Modify Ticket.
  • Existing ticket numbers for the Route or Call will be listed in the Disposal Tickets grid.
  • To modify, select an existing ticket number to open or click Delete to remove the ticket.


Detail Route Completion

  1. Click Enter NB Tickets to create Non-Billable Tickets.
  • If Non-Billable Tickets exist on this route, you will receive the option to recall a NB Ticket number or Add NewClosed.
  1. Right Click in the Disposal field beside a call in the Completed Call Details grid.
  • Existing ticket numbers for the Call will be listed below New Disposal Ticket.
  • To modify, select an existing ticket number to open.


Dispatch Center

  1. Right click on a call in the lower assigned grid.
  2. Select Disposal Tickets>New Disposal Ticket.
  • Existing ticket numbers for the Call will be listed below New Disposal Ticket.
  • To modify, select an existing ticket number to open.


Account Inquiry

  1. Recall a Customer or Site.
  2. Select Unbilled.
  3. Right Click on a Disposal Ticket in the Invoice Details grid.
  4. Select Modify Unbilled Transactions.


Customer Explorer

  1. Recall a Customer, Site or Service.
  2. Click the Disposal tab at the Customer, Site or Service Level.
  1. Select Disposal Tickets grid view.
  • Disposal Tickets will display in the grid for the Customer, Site or Service selected.
  1. Double click to open a Disposal Ticket in the grid.
  • Invoiced Tickets can be viewed but cannot be modified.


Disposal Ticket Listing

  1. Select Date Range.
  2. Select Report Parameters.
  • Report Type, Ticket Type, Customer & Ticket Selection, Sort By, Customer Type, Summary UOM, etc...
  1. Select all or specified Disposal Facilities to be included.
  2. Select all or specified Materials to be included.
  3. Select an output. Preview, Print, Export or Email.

Disposal Facilities

LEED Material Breakdown

Disposal Ticket Reconciliation

Modify Disposal Rates

Email Notification Settings